If there is a possibility that a student may harm themselves or others, dial 911 immediately. In the event of an emergency, do not use these forms.

Call MU Police Department immediately by dialing 911 or 573-882-7201.

Online Reporting System

The Office of Student Accountability & Support is a university office dedicated to the well-being of students and promotion of a community that cares about each of its members. Students, faculty, staff, families and friends can submit reports about:


  • Potential violations of the Standard of Conduct for both organizations and individuals (e.g. alcohol, hazing, disruptive conduct, drugs, failure to comply, theft, vandalism, weapons, etc.).
  • Complaints or grievances.
  • Concerns about students behavior in the classroom.


When a report is received, staff will review the details and then determine the best response for the situation.

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