Frequently Asked Questions

Can you lift the hold on my account so I can register for classes?

Unresolved matters will result in a hold placed on your account that will prevent registration of classes.


If you have a Student Affairs registration hold on your account and you have completed your educational sanctions or your sanctions are not overdue, please email us at to request more information.


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This incident happened off campus. Why is the university involved?

The university has an interest in maintaining a safe community and appropriate standards of conduct for its students.  This includes both on-campus and off-campus behavior, which can have an impact on the university community and the university mission.  For more information regarding the jurisdictional statement, please see CRR 200.010 (A).


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Are my parents/guardians going to be notified?

The Family Education Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) prevents the Office of Student Accountability & Support from disclosing information regarding alleged policy violation(s) to parents/guardians unless the alleged policy violation is related to alcohol or drugs.


Per the CRR 180.025, Student Accountability & Support may notify parents/guardians of students under the age of 21 of any violation(s) of the alcohol or drug policy.


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Do I need to hire a lawyer?

No. Our process is not a court proceeding, and lawyers are not permitted to represent students during the process. If you or your family would prefer to have a lawyer present, that person may serve as an advisor during the process. You are permitted to have one advisor to support you through the accountability process. In this role, advisors may not represent you or participate in the meeting. Having support is valuable to all students, and that is an advisor’s role in this case.


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What happens if I receive notification of an alleged violation of policy that is also a criminal or civil offense?

The student conduct process is entirely separate from the criminal and civil court processes. University proceedings may occur before, during or after the resolution of a criminal or civil case. The resolution of a case in civil or criminal court has no bearing on the university’s process. By virtue of being a member of the university, you are held responsible for upholding the standards of behavior and following all university policies, as well as public laws.


The university’s discipline proceedings are an administrative system, not a legal one. Students may have to face both criminal charges and university disciplinary charges at the same time. If the conduct process concludes prior to the resolution of the criminal process or civil case, the case in Student Accountability & Support will not be revisited at the conclusion of the other adjudicative process. Please refer to CRR 200.020 E.1.b for more information.


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What is the burden of proof in the student conduct process?

Deciding if a student is responsible for a conduct violation is based on the preponderance of the evidence; that is, what is more likely than not to have taken place. Keep in mind that preponderance of the evidence requires less proof of evidence than proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, having charges dropped or being found “not guilty” in a criminal proceeding does not excuse one from being held accountable in the student conduct process.


The student disciplinary system is determining whether or not a student has violated campus rules. The courts have long recognized the differing interests of the university community from that of the criminal justice process. Although there are basic concepts of fairness that apply to student disciplinary proceedings, the student disciplinary system serves administrative and educational functions relating to the mission of the University of Missouri.


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If I withdraw from the university, do I still have to meet with your office?

Yes. All students who are contacted by the Office of Student Accountability & Support regarding a potential violation of the Standard of Conduct will need to meet with a hearing officer to discuss the incident. If you withdraw prior to the meeting, you still need to resolve the matter.


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How are sanctions decided?

Sanctions are determined by the hearing officer and with precedent in mind. In all of our cases, sanctions are imposed in a manner that is reasonably proportionate to the violation in question, with consideration given to the severity of the violation, culpability of those involved, past dispositions in similar cases and other factors as appropriate.


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What is the judicial processing fee?

Any student who is found responsible for violating any part of the Standard of Conduct will be charged a $125 processing fee by the Office of Student Accountability & Support to off-set the costs associated with the judicial process. At the conclusion of the judicial process, students who are found to be responsible for violating the Standard of Conduct will have the option of paying online or charges will be automatically applied to the student’s account. Students who are found not responsible will not be charged a processing fee.


Please refer to CRR 200.020 E.1.b for more information.


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What if I need help understanding the conduct process?

Please set up an appointment to meet with our student support specialist, who will discuss with you your options and/or next steps.


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How does a student disciplinary record affect my application to grad school, study abroad, etc.?

The effect that your disciplinary record may have on your ability to participate in various campus activities, programs (including study abroad), positions, to transfer to another institution, or to gain entrance into a graduate program is at the discretion of those managing those positions, programs or application processes. These positions, programs and processes may ask for information regarding your disciplinary record. Disciplinary records are maintained for a minimum of seven years from the last university incident for which you were found responsible, unless you are expelled, suspended or dismissed; in those cases, the records are maintained indefinitely.


The Office of Student Accountability & Support cannot release information regarding your disciplinary record without your permission.


For more information about what will be shared in these circumstances, please contact our office.


Most graduate applications ask for information regarding your criminal or disciplinary history. Some universities require more information, so be sure to carefully read what information the application is requiring. You should be honest about your disciplinary history. On occasion, universities will contact our office to verify the information you have provided on your application. Most applications include this waiver in the fine print, and by signing the application, you are typically granting access to your disciplinary records.


We do receive requests for background checks from government agencies, state bar associations and other such entities. As with the graduate school and study abroad verification forms, the background check forms include a waiver, and by signing this you are granting access to your disciplinary record.


Learn more about requesting a record.


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How can I get help for a student who is in crisis or distress?

Complete a Care referral online. Our office assists students dealing with life situations that cause distress (or even crisis). We want to help our students to persist and have resources to offer students.


If there is a possibility that a student may harm themselves or others, dial 911 immediately. Call MU Police Department immediately by dialing 911 or 573-882-7201.


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